
The Key to Managing your Bariatric Treatment: Right Here!

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a transformative procedure that can significantly improve the health and quality of life for individuals struggling with severe obesity. Here are the key benefits:

1. Substantial Weight Loss: Bariatric surgery helps patients achieve and maintain significant weight loss, reducing the risk of obesity-related conditions.
2. Improved Health Conditions: Many obesity-related health issues, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and heart disease, often improve or resolve after bariatric surgery.
3. Enhanced Mobility: Weight loss can lead to increased physical activity and mobility, reducing joint pain and improving overall fitness.
4. Better Mental Health: Significant weight loss can enhance self-esteem, reduce depression, and improve quality of life.
5. Long-term Results: When combined with a healthy lifestyle, bariatric surgery can offer sustained weight loss and health benefits.

Who is Eligible for Bariatric Surgery?

Eligibility for bariatric surgery is determined based on specific criteria:

1. Body Mass Index (BMI): Individuals with a BMI of 40 or higher, or a BMI of 35 or higher with obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes or hypertension, may be eligible.
2. Failed Weight Loss Attempts: Those who have tried but failed to lose weight through diet, exercise, and other weight loss methods.
3. Health Conditions: Patients suffering from severe obesity-related health issues that can be improved with weight loss.
4. Psychological Evaluation: Candidates must undergo a psychological evaluation to ensure they are mentally prepared for the lifestyle changes required post-surgery.

The Significance of a Dietician in Pre and Post Bariatric Surgery

A dietician plays a crucial role in the success of bariatric surgery, both before and after the procedure. Here’s how:


1. Nutritional Assessment: A dietician evaluates the patient’s current dietary habits and nutritional status to create a customized pre-surgery diet plan.
2. Weight Loss Preparation: Dieticians help patients lose weight before surgery, which can reduce surgical risks and improve outcomes.
3. Education: Patients receive comprehensive education on dietary changes, portion control, and the importance of adhering to a healthy diet post-surgery.


1. Diet Transition: Dieticians guide patients through the different stages of diet transition, from liquids to pureed foods, and eventually to solid foods.
2. Nutrient Intake: Ensuring adequate intake of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals is critical to avoid deficiencies and support overall health.
3. Long-term Support: Continuous follow-up with a dietician helps patients maintain their weight loss, adopt healthy eating habits, and address any dietary challenges.
4. Behavioural Changes: Dieticians assist in making sustainable lifestyle changes that promote long-term success and prevent weight regain.

Comprehensive Care for Bariatric Surgery Patients

– Pre-Surgery Evaluation: Personalised diet plans and weight loss strategies.
– Post-Surgery Guidance: Step-by-step dietary progression and nutrient management.
– Ongoing Support: Regular follow-ups to ensure long-term weight loss success and overall well-being.

Why Choose Our Dieticians for Bariatric Surgery Support?

– Expertise: Specialised in managing pre and post-surgery nutritional needs.
– Customised Plans: Tailored dietary advice to suit individual requirements.
– Holistic Approach: Focus on both physical and psychological well-being.

FAQs on Bariatric Surgery and Diet

1. What dietary changes are required before bariatric surgery?
2. How does a dietician help in managing nutrient deficiencies post-surgery?
3. What is the typical diet progression after bariatric surgery?
4. How often should I meet with a dietician after the surgery?
5. Can bariatric surgery help resolve type 2 diabetes?

For comprehensive care and expert guidance on bariatric surgery, consult Dt. Gurleen Kaur. Transform your life with the right support and achieve lasting health benefits.